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Helen Felcey (b.1979)

Helen Felcey (b.1979)

Code: 10681

£875.00 Approx $1097.87, €1019.81

A group of seven pots

Slip cast porcelain 2009

Commissioned by Victoria the Lady de Rothchild

Helen Felcey is a ce­ram­ics-based art­ist, ed­u­ca­tor and cu­ra­tor. Her re­search in­ter­ests blend craft, de­sign and so­cial well­be­ing. Com­bined with work in ed­u­ca­tion, she has ex­hib­it­ed ce­ram­ics and work­ed col­lab­o­ra­tive­ly to cu­rate proj­ects and pub­lish with­in the field in the UK and abroard.

Helen has taught in ac­a­dem­ia since 2002, at Man­ches­ter School of Art and more re­cent­ly at Liv­er­pool Hope Uni­ver­sity.

Since 2009, she has also work­ed with the Brit­ish Ce­ram­ics Bi­en­ni­al, con­tri­bu­ting to cu­ra­tor­ial, com­mu­ni­ty and ed­u­ca­tion­al pro­grammes.